Over 100 of ready to go squeeze pages that you can connect to your autoresponder with a couple clicks of your mouse

You know "The Money Is In The List. That's why"...

"Building YOUR List Is
Critical To Your Success"

Warriors: Let Us Do 90%
of the Work at NO Cost to You

Very Limited Warrior Forum Special Offer

From the desk of Carl Galletti and Steve Yakim:

The most time consuming part of building a list is finding a product to attract the correct targeted prospects and then build the squeeze pages to get them to opt-in.

Let's take a look at the whole list building process...

Step 1 - Find or create a product.

Step 2 - Edit or brand the product with your affiliate links.

Step 3 - Create a squeeze page to get the opt-in.

Step 4 - Create a download page to deliver the product.

Step 5 - Write the email message that delivers the download link.

Step 6 - Pay a hosting company to host your pages.

Step 7 - Upload your squeeze page, download page, and product files to your server.

These are just the basic steps!

It takes a lot of time and effort, not to mention, skill, to get all of the above done.

But, it doesn't have to be that way because we'll do all that work for you.


We've done all seven of the above steps for you.

It's been made possible by a special software design that allows you to connect your autoresponder to any squeeze page on our site in less than 5 minutes.

All the hard work is done for you. You get the following benefits...

Over 100 ready to go squeeze pages that you can connect to your autoresponder with a couple clicks of your mouse.
Squeeze pages for many different categories.
A special search feature to find squeeze pages for your category.
All squeeze pages are branded with your name, making you the expert.
No hosting required!
You build a list in your autoresponder, so you are the 100% owner of the lists.
All the products given away are branded with your name and affiliate links so you can earn income just by giving them away.
You are in complete control over all redirects from the squeeze page. Use the default product or insert one of your own, one you license or an affiliate product.
All the default redirect products are related to the niche of each squeeze page report.
You get the first email message, containing the download link to the special report - just copy and paste into your autoresponder.
You also receive an optional affiliate marketing eCourse that you can add to your autoresponder to give away from a peel ad on each squeeze page that increases the conversion rate of each squeeze page.
For a limited time, if you do not find a squeeze page for your niche, just contact us with all the necessary information we need to add a squeeze page for your niche.
New squeeze pages will be added every week.

You can easily find the perfect squeeze page for your use by using our search tool to choose from over 25 different categories.

Below is a partial view of this display area...

The display area gives you the following usable information...

Product Title
Your special squeeze page affiliate link you use to send visitors to the squeeze page of your choice.
Description of the product being given away from the squeeze page.
Product image, which can be saved to your computer so you can use these squeeze pages and products to join giveaways.
The "Get this product now!" link allows you to download the special report branded with your name and affiliate links.
The "View sales letter" link sends you to your branded squeeze page so you can test to make sure it is working correctly.
The Tools link is where you connect your autoresponder to the squeeze page and set the redirect URL the new subscriber will go to after submitting the form on the squeeze page.

You will also be able to copy the first email message from this area to paste into your autoresponder containing the free product download information.

Check Out 2 Actual Squeeze Pages from

Squeeze Page1 Preview

Squeeze Page2 Preview

When you become a member of, your name will appear on the squeeze page and pdf reports your prospects receive when they opt-in.

For a Limited Number of Warriors ONLY...

Receive FULL Lifetime Access At No Cost To You
(How's that for a discount?)

We are looking for 10 to 20 beta testers who will gain full lifetime access to in return for the following...

1) If you really like the system, give us a testimonial that we can use in our sales letter.

If for some reason you can't honestly give a testimonial, then let us know what we can do to earn your testimonial.

2) Attend our webinars from time to time where we can get your feedback to help us improve

If for any reason you don't feel that you can participate as described above, then please do not register. Allow someone else to take your spot.


Click Here To Sign Up As A Beta Tester

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