WARNING: This could cause you to build a highly profitable list...
3 Easy Steps
To Profits!

Step #1 - Grab a Link

Step #2 - Promote It

Step #3 - Spend Your Profits

The Very Difficult Job of Building A list

Has Just Become EASY

In Fact... It's Done FOR

You - Here's How

Dear List Builder,

You've probably been told...

"The Money Is In The List"

And that's very true because, if you don't have access to the buyers. You have no one to sell to. Until now, building a list was a lot harder than it sounded.

Here's the reason why...

The 6 Pitfalls of List Building

One of the big keys to success in list building is choosing a hungry market. This is really a little known secret to building a list... but it is THE key to success.

You can make or break your chances simply by the market you choose to target.

Choose the right market, spend time building your list, and you can end up with high quality information to give away in exchange for their contact information.

This can be much harder than it sounds too. Here are just a few of the things you'll need to get done...

CONTENT - First, you have to sit down and write a report full of high quality information. WARNING: "Valuable" does not necessarily mean "High Quality"! Here's why... Imagine you are stranded on a deserted island. You're all by yourself and there is no chance that anyone is coming to save you.

In that situation, a big treasure chest of gold might be valuable, but it sure isn't valuable to you because you need a boat to get off the island. It's the very same thing with list building. There's a difference between information that is just valuable and quality information that your subscriber can benefit from right away.

GRAPHICS - Gone are the days where you can publish information online and not have it look good. To make sure your free report gets noticed, you absolutely must have professional design help. These days, you can get a great cover for maybe $50 or $100.

This takes time, and you never really know what you're going to get. But if you're not a designer yourself, this is one area you don't want to skimp on. First impressions are everything.

COPY - You can have the best graphics in the world, but without knowing how to write copy that gets your visitors to take action, your list building efforts will fall flat. So you really need to develop some skill so you can write copy that sells.

TECHNOLOGY - Finally, you need toset up all of the web pages that will be part of your list building system. This includes a domain name, web hosting provider, your squeeze page, and your thank you and download pages.

Then you have to make sure that everything works so that your new subscribers have no problems getting the information you promised.

Whew... that's a lot of stuff. If this sounds like a lot of work to you, then you're paying attention. Because it is a lot of work.

And that's just for a single product. Imagine doing this for 20, 30, even 100 products. It could really drive you crazy.

But with the brand new Ready Squeeze list building solution, all of this work is done for you . The products are done, the graphics are done, the copywriting is done and the technology is done.

It's all done for you.

With Ready Squeeze, you Simply go get your link and start building your list.

It's that simple.

The Ready Squeeze Solution:
List Building Made EASY!

Ready Squeeze Membership

As a member of Ready Squeeze, you will instantly have access to a long list of done-for-you products and squeeze pages just waiting for you to use to attract subscribers to your list.

Instead of spending time doing all of the hard work by your self, you simply choose, which product you'd like to promote, grab your link and get started!

It's all done for you!

How easy is Ready Squeeze?

It's a done for you solution. It's so easy, that there are really only 3 steps.

Step 1

Grab Your Link - After you go through a quick setup, simply login to Ready Squeeze, choose the product you'd like to promote (there are currently over 100 done for you products with a few hundred more in the pipeline!), enter your autoresponder information, get the link and you're done. Onto Step #2...

Step 2

Promote Your Link - When a prospect clicks on your link, they are taken to your pre-done squeeze page, they opt-in to your list and get your pre-loaded, pre-custiomized report (already done for you) for immediate download. This isn't just any report, because each one is branded with your name, and your affiliate links already inside! It's totally customized without an ounce of effort from you.

Step 3

Spend Your Profits - As your list grows, you will have a growing asset that you can use to generate income virtually on demand. Because of the planning we've put into offering these products, they will help you build targeted lists in markets that BUY. Once you have your list, then you can offer them a whole range of complimentary products and services.

Just "rise and repeat" these 3 steps for as many lists as you want to build... in as many different markets as you chose. Build lists in 3, 4 or 5 niches and pretty soon, you could be on your way to your very own internet empire.

Here's the growing list of product categories available to members of Ready Squeeze. We have products about...



Affiliate Marketing

Article Marketing

Backlink Building




CPA Marketing

Email Marketing

Health and Beauty

Internet Marketing

List Building

Membership Sites

Niche Marketing

Product Creation

Resell Rights Marketing

Self Improvement


Social Marketing


And many more products are in the pipeline. With the New Ready Squeeze Solution, list building is child's play. You just...

Grab a Link

Promote Your Link

Spend Your Profits

Proof That The

Money IS "In the List"

So what type of results are possible when you have access to a targeted list?

Here's a quick deminstration...

A while back, I did some research on just how valuable each subscriber on my list was to my business. After some number crunching, I figured that the revenue was about $10 per name. For every name on the list, I generated approximately $10 over the course of the year!

If you have a list of only 5,000 subscribers, that's annual revenue of $50,000. Not bad for a single, small list of email addresses.

While that's a fairly conservative example, the numbers really can get quite large when you have a good relationship with a targeted list of subscrbers.

In fact, I have generated as much as $106,000 in sales in a 24 hour period using email to a list of only about 7,000 people. 50% of that was my commission. So that's $53,000 profit in 24 Hours. Not a bad day's work.

Now there's no guarantee you'll get results like that with your list, but I tell you this just to give you an idea of what's possible when you have access to such a valuable resource.

But don't think you have to hit home runs all the time just to be successful. Several lists, generating a thousand or two thousand dollars a month could change a lot of people's lives.

Ready Squeeze's Unfair Advantage
for Intermediate and Advanced Marketers

I want to make something clear before you jump to any conclusions: Ready Squeeze is not just for beginners.

The done for you Ready Squeeze solution makes list building virtually effortless... but the other huge benefit is that it lets you enter and test new markets in record time.

Just imagine waking up one day to find out that a certain niche is really doing well online. If you don't already have a list built in that niche, you're pretty much out of luck. It's too late... the train has left the station.

But as a Ready Squeeze member, you'll have access to over 100 (and growing) products that you could be promoting in about 5 minutes to start building a list that targets the well performing niche.

Plus you can redirect people after they have opted-in to your list to a different product website instead of the default product website simply by adding your affiliate link to the disired Website.

Ready Squeeze makes list building easy. But Ready Squeeze also makes list building fast.

And that's one of its biggest strengths for the intermediate and advanced marketer. You can actually be building your list while all the other buys ae still waiting for a freelancer to write their free report or design an ebook cover.

What If You Put All Your Eggs
In One Basket And Your Basket

A lot of marketers invest all of their time in one market, trying to build a single list. While it might sound smart to focus your efforts like that, unless you have a crystal ball to tell you which markets will create success and which won't, you might get yourself in trouble.

Building a list in the Facebook marketing niche might be smart. It can surely be very profitable. After all, Facebook is extremely popular. But if you wake up and find out one day that the market's attitude towards Facebook is souring, you can be in trouble. Then what would you do?

Most marketers would have to start over and repeat all their hard work in a new niche.

As a member of Ready Squeeze, you can prepare for shifts in the market before they happen. Ready Squeeze lets you build lists in multiple markets without all of the hard work it would normally take to support marketing and list building in more than one niche.

With ready Squeeze, it's done for you.

Not Your Typical
Squeeze Page

By now, I'm sure you've seen the typical internet squeeze page. There's usually a headline, a sign-up box and maybe some additional copy and graphics to describe something free that's being given away.

The squeeze pages you'll be using as a Ready Squeeze member are not your typical squeeze pages. They're far better.

Based on our testing, we've added several response devices that will help to boost your conversions.

We've tested these strategies many, many times. In fact, when we stop using them, conversions go down. So that's proof that they belong there.

And your list building will benefit from that knowledge.

Limited Ready Squeeze Enrollment:
Only 1,500 Members Accepted!

Something important you should know right away is that we're only accepting 1,000 new V.I.P Members into Ready Squeeze at the low rate of $19.00 per month.

Act fast and you'll get access to all that Ready Squeeze has to offer for only $19.00 per month! The price will never be lower, because once enrollment reaches 1,000 members, the price will be increased to $29.00 per month.

Once enrollment reaches 1,500 members, the program will be closed to new members. When and if we open it up again is anybody's guess, so it's in your best interest to move quickly on this.

Your satisfaction is guaranteed and you can cancel at any time, even though we can't think of a good reason that you'd want to once you see how easy this is.

WARNING: List Building
Isn't Getting Any Easier!

In fact, it's harder than ever. With the amount of copetition that's out there as well as growing skepticism by website visitors, you have to use every available advantage to create success building your lists.

With Ready Squeeze, we've done all the hard work for your. We've made things so simple that all you have to do is get your link, promote your link and then spend your profits.

List building just doesn't get any easier than this.

Remember, this is a very limited time offer. The membership will fill up (and close) very quickly.

We're only accepting 1,500 members into what is, by far, the easiest way to build your list that's ever been created.

There are huge numbers of potential buyers out there waiting to hear about products and services that can help them. If you have a list, then it's easy to connect those products with hungry buyers.

If you don't have a list, then when do you think the best time to get started is?

Become a Ready Squeeze V.I.P. Member today...

30-Day Money Back Guarantee!

Let me remove all your risk in giving a try. If for any reason you feel that membership is NOT for you, I'm giving you a 30 Day, NO Questions Asked 100% Money Back Guarantee. Just send me an email to and within 24 hours I will cancel your subscription and membership and give you a 100% refund.

Lock-In Now For Only $19.00 And We Promise
To Never Raise Your Subscription Price!

YES! Steve, I know that I'm definitely not going to miss my chance to subscribe to "Ready Squeeze"!
I understand that I will be billed only $19.00 every 30 days and that I may cancel my subscription at anytime, for any reason.

YOU WILL Receive Instant Access

(Even if it's 2:00 AM on a Saturday)

You are probably wondering why we are only charging such a small amount for a system that will literally change the way you do business online. Trust us, there's no catch - however, the "ReadySqueeze" membership is available for a limited time only at this introductory price - $19.00. Avoid disappointment and Join Now!

To your success,

Steve Yakim

P.S. I can't really stress to you how easy this is. It's as close to a list building silver bullet as you're going to find. Steve was the first person to create a squeeze page generator to help other marketers with their list building efforts. These days, you can find squeeze page generators all over the place.

Unfortunately, the squeeze page itself is just the beginning. If that's all you have, you really have little to no chance of building a list. Ready Squeeze is a totally done for you list building solution. We've taken all the hard work out of the process and made list building literally as easy as 1, 2, 3.

P.P.S. One more thing I forgot to mention. As a new Ready Squeeze member, not only will you have access to over 100 done for you products to help you build your list but you ll also have access to them for your own education!

There are currently over 100 reports in the system with hundreds more in the pipeline. And who knows what you can do with the knowledge you'll get by going through all of the reports.

P.P.P.S. Don t forget: You can also generate additional revenue by recommending new members to Ready Squeeze. Everyone who signs-up to your list will have the opportunity to use Ready Squeeze for themselves. If they become a member, you get paid a 50% affiliate commission. And that's on each and every sale you generate.